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Tuff Turf is your go-to solution for comprehensive weed management and vegetation control! Beyond just tackling weeds in your lawns and flowerbeds, we specialize in noxious weed control, total vegetation management for challenging areas, blackberry control, Roundup sprays, and field sprays tailored to your needs. Whether you have a small yard or expansive fields, our registered products are safe and effective for various settings, including grazed pastures, sports fields and commercial properties.

Noxious Weed Control

Thistle, Garlic Mustard Weed, Tansy & More! We are registered with Clark County to manage any local noxious weeds! Did you get a notice from the county regarding noxious weeds on your property? We can help! 

Blackberry Control

Struggling with invasive blackberries? While beautiful, they can overwhelm your property. Our effective sprays help manage these pesky plants, keeping your landscape healthy.

Soil Sterilant

Soil Sterilants control all existing vegetation and prevent any re-growth for 10- 12 months. It is ideal for industrial sights, pre-paving, gravel driveways, fence lines, rock beds, and along paved driveways, paths, or roads. This is an excellent option for areas that are difficult to mow or weed whack.

Round up Sprays

Round up sprays are great for prepping areas prior to any type of landscape installation to get rid of unwanted vegetation, or cleanup around trees, and overgrown areas. This is a great option for residential, commercial, and industrial sites!

Field Sprays

We have a variety of weed control products that can be used on fields, including herbicides that are safe for grazed pastures! Great for sports fields too! 

tuff turf location, office hours, logo, vancouver, wa
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